2 | | | | /项目/页面/会计.aspx | 业务项目 | 会计的视频 | |
92 | | | | /programs/Pages/esthetics-for-cosmetologist.aspx | 存档 | 美学课程视频 | |
95 | | | | /programs/Pages/esthetician-advanced-practice.aspx | 健康 and 服务项目 | 美学课程视频 | |
62 | | | | /programs/Pages/american-sign-language-studies.aspx | 文科和美术 | American Sign Language Video | |
63 | | | | /programs/Pages/associate-in-arts-aa-degree.aspx | 文科和美术 | | |
64 | | | | /programs/Pages/Communication-Studies-转移-Pathway.aspx | 文科和美术 | | |
116 | | | | /programs/Pages/Economics-转移-Pathway.aspx | 文科和美术 | | |
65 | | | | /programs/Pages/emphasis-in-criminology.aspx | 存档 | | |
118 | | | | /programs/Pages/english-transfer-pathway.aspx | 文科和美术 | | |
66 | | | | /programs/Pages/History-转移-Pathway.aspx | 文科和美术 | | |
124 | | | | /programs/Pages/mathematics-transfer-pathway.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | | |
114 | | | | /programs/Pages/Political-Science-Transfer-Pathway.aspx | 文科和美术 | | |
119 | | | | /programs/Pages/Psychology-转移-Pathway.aspx | 文科和美术 | | |
120 | | | | /programs/Pages/Sociology-转移-Pathway.aspx | 文科和美术 | | |
115 | | | | /programs/Pages/spanish-transfer-pathway.aspx | 文科和美术 | | |
68 | | | | /programs/Pages/associate-in-fine-arts-music.aspx | 文科和美术 | | |
121 | | | | /programs/Pages/Criminal-Justice-转移-Pathway.aspx | 文科和美术 | | |
19 | | | | /programs/Pages/automotive-service.aspx | Career & 技术项目 | 汽车服务 Technician Video | |
72 | | | | /programs/Pages/biology-transfer-pathway.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | 生物传递途径 | |
3 | | | | /项目/页面/业务.aspx | 业务项目 | 商业视频 | |
4 | | | | /programs/pages/业务-transfer-pathway.aspx | 业务项目 | 商业视频 | |
20 | | | | /programs/Pages/cabinetmaking.aspx | Career & 技术项目 | 家俱制造视频 | |
21 | | | | /项目/页面/木工.aspx | Career & 技术项目 | 木工视频 | |
73 | | | | /项目/页面/化学.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | 化学传递途径 | |
55 | | | | /programs/Pages/child-development-careers.aspx | 健康 and 服务项目 | 儿童发展职业 Program Video | 儿童发展职业 ASL AS |
90 | | | | /programs/Pages/Child-Development-Careers---American-Sign-Language-(ASL).aspx | 健康 and 服务项目 | | |
22 | | | | /programs/Pages/cnc-toolmaking.aspx | Career & 技术项目 | 数控机床维修 | |
74 | | | | /programs/Pages/computer-animation.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | 电脑动画 | |
75 | | | | /programs/Pages/computer-graphics-and-visualization.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | Computer Graphics and Visualization Program Video | |
77 | | | | /programs/Pages/computer-networking-careers.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | | |
78 | | | | /programs/Pages/computer-programming.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | 计算机编程 | |
79 | | | | /programs/Pages/computer-science.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | | |
57 | | | | /programs/Pages/cosmetology-careers.aspx | 健康 and 服务项目 | 美容节目视频 | |
58 | | | | /programs/Pages/culinary-arts.aspx | 健康 and 服务项目 | Culnary Arts Program Video | |
100 | | | | /programs/Pages/customer-service-office-support.aspx | 业务项目 | | |
80 | | | | /programs/Pages/cybersecurity.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | 网络安全视频 | |
110 | | | | /programs/Pages/data-science.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | | |
123 | | | | /programs/Pages/child-development-careers.aspx | | | |
23 | | | | /programs/Pages/electrical-technology.aspx | Career & 技术项目 | 电气技术 Video | |
24 | | | | /programs/Pages/electromechanical-systems.aspx | Career & 技术项目 | 机电视频 | Electromechanical Systems: Mechanical Certificate |
81 | | | | /programs/Pages/engineering-broad-field.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | 工程领域 | |
69 | | | | /programs/Pages/english-for-academic-purposes.aspx | 文科和美术 | EAP节目视频 | |
105 | | | | /programs/Pages/enterprise-computing.aspx | 存档 | | |
5 | | | | /programs/Pages/entrepreneurship.aspx | 业务项目 | 创业视频 | |
36 | | | | /项目/页面/美学.aspx | 健康 and 服务项目 | 美学课程视频 | |
93 | | | | /programs/Pages/cidesco-readiness.aspx | 存档 | | |
94 | | | | /programs/Pages/美学家-Spa.aspx | 存档 | 美学课程视频 | |
6 | | | | /programs/Pages/event-meeting-management.aspx | 业务项目 | | |
34 | | | | /项目/页面/融资.aspx | 业务项目 | 财政视频 | |
82 | | | | /programs/Pages/geographic-information-science.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | | |
7 | | | | /programs/Pages/global-trade.aspx | 业务项目 | 全球贸易视频 | |
125 | | | | /programs/Pages/cosmetology-careers.aspx | 健康 and 服务项目 | | |
37 | | | | /programs/Pages/health-information-technology.aspx | 健康科学项目 | Health Information Technology Program Video | |
39 | | | | /programs/Pages/health-sciences-broad-field.aspx | 健康科学项目 | | |
117 | | | | /programs/Pages/healthcare-administration.aspx | 健康科学项目 | | |
38 | | | | /programs/Pages/healthcare-informatics.aspx | 健康科学项目 | | |
8 | | | | /programs/Pages/hospitality-management.aspx | 业务项目 | 酒店视频 | |
9 | | | | /programs/Pages/human-resources.aspx | 业务项目 | 人力资源 Program Video | |
106 | | | | /programs/Pages/java-programming.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | | |
25 | | | | /programs/Pages/machine-operator.aspx | 存档 | | |
122 | | | | /programs/Pages/management-aas.aspx | 业务项目 | 管理的视频 | |
76 | | | | /programs/Pages/management-information-systems.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | | |
10 | | | | /项目/页面/营销.aspx | 业务项目 | 营销视频 | |
41 | | | | /programs/Pages/massage-therapy.aspx | 健康科学项目 | Personal Trainer Program Video | |
42 | | | | /programs/Pages/medical-laboratory-technician.aspx | 健康科学项目 | Medical Laboratory Technician Program Video | |
43 | | | | /programs/Pages/medical-office.aspx | 健康科学项目 | | |
96 | | | | /programs/Pages/medical-office-professional.aspx | 健康科学项目 | | |
31 | | | | /programs/Pages/truck-technician.aspx | Career & 技术项目 | 卡车技师 | |
113 | | | | http://www.nmcjbook.com/programs/mntc | 文科和美术 | | |
109 | | | | /programs/Pages/mobile-development.aspx | 存档 | | |
91 | | | | /programs/Pages/Nail-Care-Technician.aspx | 健康 and 服务项目 | 指甲护理计划短片 | |
12 | | | | /项目/页面/非营利组织.aspx | 存档 | 非营利组织的视频 | |
49 | | | | /programs/Pages/nursing-assistant-home-health-aide.aspx | 健康科学项目 | | |
13 | | | | /programs/Pages/office-management-professional.aspx | 业务项目 | 办公室管理视频 | |
97 | | | | /programs/Pages/pastry-and-baking.aspx | 健康 and 服务项目 | | |
102 | | | | /programs/Pages/Patient-Care-Technician.aspx | 存档 | | |
47 | | | | /programs/Pages/pharmacy-technician.aspx | 健康科学项目 | 药学技术人员 Video on Youtube | |
48 | | | | /programs/Pages/phlebotomy-technician.aspx | 存档 | | |
27 | | | | /programs/Pages/pipefitting.aspx | Career & 技术项目 | | |
28 | | | | /项目/页面/管道.aspx | 存档 | | |
50 | | | | /programs/Pages/practical-nursing.aspx | 健康科学项目 | 实用护理视频 | |
14 | | | | /programs/Pages/project-management.aspx | 业务项目 | 项目管理短片 | |
51 | | | | /programs/Pages/public-health.aspx | 健康科学项目 | | |
52 | | | | /programs/Pages/registered-yoga-teacher.aspx | 存档 | 注册瑜伽 | |
53 | | | | /programs/Pages/respiratory-therapist.aspx | 健康科学项目 | 呼吸治疗师 Video | |
88 | | | | /programs/Pages/Robotic-焊接.aspx | Career & 技术项目 | | |
86 | | | | /programs/Pages/science-and-engineering-technology.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | Science & 工程技术 | |
30 | | | | /programs/Pages/sheet-metal-hvac.aspx | Career & 技术项目 | 金属板材视频 | |
59 | | | | /programs/Pages/sign-language-interpreter-transliterator.aspx | 健康 and 服务项目 | Sign Language Interpreter-Transliterator Program Video | |
16 | | | | /programs/Pages/social-media-marketing.aspx | 业务项目 | Social Media 管理的视频 | |
46 | | | | /programs/pages/sport-and-exercise-sciences.aspx | 健康科学项目 | | |
54 | | | | /programs/Pages/sterile-processing.aspx | 健康科学项目 | 无菌处理视频 | |
17 | | | | /programs/Pages/supply-chain-logistics.aspx | 业务项目 | 供应链物流 Video | |
101 | | | | /programs/Pages/Surgical-Technology.aspx | 健康科学项目 | 外科技术视频 | |
104 | | | | /programs/Pages/computer-graphics-and-visualization.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | | |
107 | | | | /programs/Pages/web-based-2d-game-development.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | 复古游戏设计推广 | |
87 | | | | /项目/网页/网站设计.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | | |
108 | | | | /programs/Pages/web-development.aspx | STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math | | |
32 | | | | /programs/Pages/welding-technology.aspx | Career & 技术项目 | 焊接技术视频 | |
89 | | | | /programs/Pages/Wine-Professional.aspx | 存档 | | |