Our instructors make your success their top priority; their powerful combination of industry knowledge, 学术专业知识和第一手经验为您提供实现目标所需的教育.
Quite simply, there is no one more important than YOU. 我们在这里帮助你在学业、事业和生活上取得成功.
在这里你会发现比课堂更多的东西——你会发现各种各样的资源来帮助你在教育和事业上取得成功. 一定要充分利用我们提供的所有学生服务.
学生生活提供了十多个学生俱乐部和协会, finding your place here couldn’t be easier. 加入公司可以让你有机会发展领导技能, network in your 职业生涯 area, be active in the community, make friends and have fun!
We offer personal enrichment courses, professional development, 还有职业和技术培训,这样你就可以成为一个更好的员工或终身学习者.
我们为学生准备高需求的职业和优秀的四年制学位课程而感到自豪. 拥有500多个行业合作伙伴和社区组织, 我们提供宝贵的学习机会,在课堂上和无数的现实世界的设置.
Welcome to Saint Paul 大学! We are so happy that you are here.
*如果您没有任何或所有这些位置,请发送电子邮件 mg电子试玩app@nmcjbook.com to get set up or learn about the required assessment(s).
Returning Student
We are so pleased to have you back! 以下是您在注册之前需要采取的一些步骤.
Welcome to Saint Paul 大学. We are glad that you are here!
Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)
PSEO enables eligible Minnesota high school Sophomores, 初中, 大四学生参加大学课程以获得高中和/或大学学分.
指南针项目是为最近的高中毕业生和佩尔助学金获得者设计的, our program offers financial assistance to cover tuition, 费用, 教科书, 运输, 基本需求. 享受专业顾问的个性化指导和独家校园活动和服务.
International Student
国际学生申请流程是为那些将要申请的学生准备的, 或者已经有了, an F-1 visa to attend Saint Paul 大学.
We are happy that we can support your educational goals.
看看这个 课程安排 to determine course prerequisites (classes or placements).
如果这门课需要分班,我们可能会放弃下面列出的分班考试. If these apply to you, please fill out the Assessment Waiver form.
如果这门课需要你在其他学校上过的必修课程, you will want to fill out a Course Permission 请求 form.
Senior Citizen Application and 登记 Process
Programs with a separate application, 面试过程或候补名单不符合高级费率. Classes that are full also do not qualify for this rate.
Minnesota residents, 62岁或以上, 可以注册并有资格以优惠的价格就读mg电子试玩app. 要获得老年人率,学生必须注册课程 在第一堂课开始后,如果有空位的话.
看看这个 课程安排 确定您想要的课程是否需要任何先前的课程或安置先决条件.
If the course requires placements, 我们可能会放弃以下名单的安置评估基础. If these apply to you, please fill out the Assessment Waiver form.
如果这门课程需要你在其他大学上过的必修课程, you will need to fill out a Course 登记 Permission 请求 form.
请求ing the Senior Rate: 希望参加课程并获得老年人费率的学生将需要提供年龄证明和明尼苏达州居住证明. 这可以在注册前的任何时间进行.
电子邮件 registration@nmcjbook.com 并附上您的MN驾驶执照或MN州颁发的身份证件的复印件,主题为“请求老年人费率”." Include your Star ID in the email if you know it.
You may also visit the mg电子试玩app & mg电子试玩app经济援助办公室(1300室)提出申请,并出示身份证.
注册 for Course(s): 想要高级费率的学生可以在第一堂课开始后注册所需的课程. 例如, if a course starts on January 9th, the earliest you will be able to register is January 10th.
If you register for a course during the second week of classes, you will need to get approval from the course instructor.
If you register for a course during the third week of classes, 你需要得到课程指导老师和院长的批准.
通过注册 电子商务 or visit the mg电子试玩app office for assistance.
想要保证参加课程的老年人可以提前报名, but would be required to pay full tuition and 费用.
Set up 学费 Payment:Click here for more information on payment options.
明尼苏达州的老年居民在旁听学分课程或参加非学分课程时不收取学费. 审核课程的请求必须在课程注册时提出. 完成 请求 for Audit Status Form and turn it in to the One Stop office or email it to registration@nmcjbook.com.